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Regionals Registration

This is the person completing this form

Please enter the name of the school where the event will be hosted, not the name of the band or organization.

Have you previously hosted an FMBC Regional at this current school?

This person will servce as the main contact for FMBC Website changes, information updates, logistic information, and judge details.

Do you currently have a Show Website

This website can be a full site, or dedicated page within the main site of your own band website, but MUST be different from the main band homepage. This page cannot be a social media page.

If you currently have a show website, please enter the address for us to review.

How many years has your program hosted an FMBC Regional?

Please select your 1st choice for hosting your event.

Please select your 2nd choice for hosting your event.

Please select your 3rd choice for hosting your event.

This is the usable total seating capacity on the Press Box side of your stadium.

This is the usable total seating capacity on the Visitor side of your stadium.

This number should factor in judges, FMBC Staff, announcer, and any other pertinent personnel that will be there on the day of the event.

Do the windows in the press box open?
Is there roof access for video personnel and/or judges?

Terms & Conditions

Please Read ALL of the following statements, and check the boxes to agree to the terms of partnership.

Regional Hosting Payment

Please select how you would like to make your payment.

Please send check payments to:

FMBC, 1497 Main St. #235,

Dunedin, FL 34698

Pay by Card
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